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      “Komitovo Hanche” Hotel -Restaurant is located in the western part of Varna at the entrance to the city. Here begins motorway Hemus from Sofia and Rouse. This is the closest hotel to the International airport of Varna. Parking lot is suitable for both cars and large trucks and TIR-s. Next is Western Industrial and Trade zone of Varne. The its communicative location allows for quick connection to the large stores retail chains and the new Varna’s Mall’s.

        The hotel offers double, triple rooms and suites with magnificent view to Varna Lake and the city. The rooms are traditional Bulgarian furniture, air-conditioned and wireless internet connection. The Komitovo Hanche Restaurant exists since 50 years. Hardly anybody in Varna, which it has visited, and did not keep a pleasant memory of him. The restaurant offers 180 seats and a terrace with beautiful view to the city with 150 seats.

       The restaurant offers traditional Bulgarian dishes and specialties. Live music creates additional atmosphere. The restaurant provides an opportunity for organizing and conducting weddings, celebrations and parties. Near the garden is a children’s playground.

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